A Periodical for the Sarcoma Community

September 2014 - Volume 11, Number 5

Supporting Sarcoma Advocacy Organizations

Editorial by Bruce Shriver

Taking Medical Leave While Dealing with Sarcoma

Laura Singleton, a uterine leiomyosarcoma patient, provides helpful information about taking medical leave in the USA.

The ISKS Rare Sarcoma Initiative

Experimental Plan: Investigators Thomas & Ballinger describe their plans to study eight rare sarcomas within the International Sarcoma Kindred Study.

Report on a Study of Myxoid Liposarcoma

Study Report: Investigators Nielsen, Bovée, Lazar & Somaiah report on more than two years of study funded by an International Collaborative Grant.


$100K Grant Funds International Research on Rare Sarcomas

The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative is funding focused research on eight sarcomas within the International Sarcoma Kindred Study.