Walking with Hope, Strength, and Courage
to Find a Cure for Liposarcoma
Editorial by Bruce Shriver, PhD
A "Bedside to Bench" Investigational Platform for the Study of Myxoid Liposarcoma
Drs. Nielsen, Bovée, Lev and Lazar present their experimental plan for developing and using a multi-investigator driven "bed-side to bench and back" platform for advancing the study of myxoid liposarcoma.
$250,000 International Collaborative Grant in Myxoid Liposarcoma Awarded
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative is funding an international collaborative study that is expected to yield new insights into myxoid liposarcoma and its treatment.
Addition to the Initiative's Medical Advisory and Editorial Board
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Igor Matushansky, a distinguished physician and scientist, has joined our Medical Advisory and Editorial Board.
Dr. Tian provides a Chinese translation of the ESUN review article on Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor.
Tumeur Desmoplastique à Petites Cellules Rondes (DSRCT)
Aurélie Dutour, PhD provides a French translation of the ESUN review article on Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor.
Tumores da família do sarcoma de Ewing (TFSE)
Júlio Scliar Rerin, MD and Rodrigo Nigri de Oliveira provide a Portuguese translation of the ESUN review article on Ewing's Sarcoma Family of Tumors.